Foundation Papiliorama

Mission statement & Aims

The main aim of the founders of Papiliorama has always been of an idealist nature. However, the legal form did not correspond to this from the very beginning. Papiliorama was founded as a limited society. At the time, this was the only possibility to get access to guaranteed credits. After the gigantic fire of 1995 and the resulting spontaneous donations made through the Swiss public, which made possible the reconstruction of Papiliorama, the society decided to turn itself into a foundation of public utility. It was the first such case in Switzerland.

The aim of the foundation is to introduce the public to the diversity of tropical and indigenous fauna and flora and to actively contribute to their protection. The main target groups are today’s young generations. This is the reason why, the foundation offers special rates for guided tours to school classes.


  • Thierry Mauron, President, economist, former director of the Fribourg Economic Development Agency
  • Katharina Hürlimann, former mayor of Kerzers
  • Hanneke van Mesdag, entrepreneur
  • Michel Pittet, economist, former State Councillor of the Canton of Fribourg
  • Hans Stöckli (ex officio), lawyer, Senator of the Canton of Berne
  • Andrea Kaufmann (ex officio), Mayor of Kerzers
  • Philippe Küpfer, Hon. Professor in Botany, University of Neuchâtel
  • Eric Schmidt, business coach
  • Maarten Bijleveld van Lexmond, biologist, Founder of the Papiliorama
  • Caspar Bijleveld, Secretary, biologist, Director Papiliorama

Honorary members

  • Nicole Schwab, former mayor of Kerzers
  • Susanne Schwander, former mayor of Kerzers

Sponsoring association

The main objective is to support the Papiliorama in financing acquisitions and new buildings, special events and in arranging sponsorships.